905.690.6123 [email protected]

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First Visit – What to Expect

Naturopathic Doctor visits are quite different from visits with MDs/GPs. Visits are typically significantly longer to allow for a very thorough review and understanding of all your symptoms and concerns in depth. It is only once all your “puzzle pieces” (physical, mental, emotional signs, symptoms and history, as is appropriate) are laid out that I can truly understand the interconnections, begin to determine root cause(s) of imbalance(s), obstacles to your health, and how best to support each organ, system and your entire body so that you may achieve greater health and vitality.

Your comprehensive initial consultation begins with you completing a very thorough and detailed intake questionnaire (24+ hours prior to your visit). This saves us 60+ minutes during our first visit, and helps us to cover everything so that you have enough time to share the intricacies of your history, symptoms and concerns.

In addition to me getting to know you in greater depth, typically, there is a great deal of empowering education, unique to each person, to be shared at the beginning of naturopathic care through our conversations as well as many informative and helpful handouts/ support material. We will begin this process and work in partnership to determine the first steps that you feel good about implementing right away in order to change the course of your health. My intention after our first visit together is that you will be feeling heard, cared for, more knowledgeable and empowered, optimistic, expertly supported, and confident in the customized treatment plan that we create together.

If you have more complex health concerns, and are considering that you may benefit from both hands-on treatment as well as naturopathic care such as; nutrition and lifestyle counselling, herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, vitamin & mineral supplementation etc., I recommend that you book an initial naturopathic treatment rather than an initial Bowen or other hands-on therapy so that you can get started on a well-rounded treatment plan and then continue with hands-on therapy on your next visit. Of course, it is always entirely up to you, as you know yourself better than I even will, and I encourage you to trust your instincts in ALL aspects of your wellbeing!

Naturopathic Consultation & Treatment (Phone, Video or In-Person):  
Initial Visit: typically 60-90 minutes


Second Visit: typically 30-60 minutes


Subsequent Visits: typically 15-60 minutes 


Bowen Therapy

Adults (13+)  – Bowen Therapy as First visit to clinic: 90 minutes


Adults (13+) – Bowen subsequent visits: 1 hour (optional 90 min for $180) 


Children (0-12) – Bowen Therapy as First visit to clinic: 1 hour                   130
Children (0-12) – Bowen subsequent visits: 30-45 min                     85
Bowen Bed Wetting Procedure as First visit to clinic: 50-60 min


Bowen Bed Wetting Procedure subsequent visits: 15-30 min


Other Hands-on Therapies which can be combined in a single session:

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Naturopathic Massage, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reflexology, Energy Releasing Massage, Sound Healing Session, Reflexology, Guided Deep Healing Meditation and *Zero Balancing. 

Any of the Hands-On Treatments Above (includes 5-10 min for assessment and remainder for treatment):

  • 30 minutes for $70
  • 60 minutes for $130
  • 90 minutes for $180
  • *Zero Balancing: 30 min/$85, 45 min/$125


Initial Consultation and Assessment: 60-90 minutes                   225
Second Visit – Follow-up Including Treatment: 60 minutes                   130
Follow-up Acupuncture: 30-45 minutes                     95

Home Visit: $195/hour, plus travel time

After Hours: ND Visit: $225/hour, Bowen $160

Administrative Fees:

NSF Cheque

Medical Letter & Forms – based on time required to compose, at an hourly rate of $190

Sick or Travel Note ($20), Analysis of Lab Results outside of Visit ($20-$50)

Missed appointment with less than 24 hours notice


ND visits and most lab testing are tax exempt.

Payments may be made by e-transfer, Visa, MasterCard, Cash or Cheque.

All fees must be paid for in full at the time of the visit. Receipts will be provided, which you may submit to your insurance company for reimbursement if applicable or include on your tax return.

The cost of Hands-on treatments allows for approximately 10 minutes of consulting in order to create the best treatment plan (including remedies) for you.

Visits in which you receive Naturopathic consultation, for example, counselling or remedy prescription along with a Hands-on treatment (that go over the time allotted for hands-on treatment) must be billed as two separate entities (naturopathic consultation & naturopathic treatment respectively) according to the time spent consulting. This is why the All-In-One Treatment options (found on the booking page) were created as a follow-up visit so that we can have either 15 or 30 minutes to review your health and adjust your treatment plan followed by your full hands-on treatment.

There may be times which we speak about your health care on the phone outside of a booked appointment. If this occurs, it is considered a naturopathic consultation, which must be charted and billed as such based on the time spent. (Less than 10 minutes without a prescription, are generally not billed.) 

Products or supplements may be recommended for you, which may then be purchased here, through our on-line dispensary called Fullscript, or at any other location of your choice. You are in no way obligated to purchase products from the clinic. A selection of products are available here for your convenience. Some products are difficult to find and may require special ordering. A great deal of research and care goes into finding the best quality, safest and most beneficial products that are recommended for you. Most of the products suggested and on hand are of exceptional quality and or strength and are only made available through licensed health care professionals. The mark-up on all products is standardized and regulated through the licensing board to ensure your/public protection. If finances are stretched, it is important that you tell me, so that I can do what I can to help.

Fees updated and effective as of January 2, 2022